Thursday, December 18, 2014

Saturday, December 13, 2014

I have still been working on windows for my Camber building.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Weir building almost done looks like Jabba the hut's palace (kinda)

Buildling is coming together, Just need to finish my roof. The problem in the foreseeable future tho will be the windows, as i can see there is not an app for a curved window

Michael Leong Post Dec 11

So, i couldn't do much since sketch up wouldn't respond and if i kept trying i would blow a gasket before it would finish. At least i got some windows in, it can't be all that bad, right?

Dumbbell Building Redo (Connor Hall)

Last class I messed up my dimensions, so now this is the brand new Dumbbell Building.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Weir building

My building. Its going pretty well, took a while to understand how to use the Soap bubble plug in.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Cylindrical Skyscraper

This is a screenshot of my cylindrical skyscraper standing next to a very rough sketch of Daniel D'Amato's Camber building. Dan's building stands at 1,080 feet. As you can see, my skyscraper is, "BANANAS" big as Mr. Ford would say, as it stands at 3,456 feet.

D'Amato's Camber Building Windows

Here I have been researching and manipulating the face of my building trying to create windows. Mr. Ford and I have been having trouble coming up with a solution to the window creation.
The soapskin and bubble has created the concave.
not sure what to do here.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Michael Leong post 12/4

Started the painful task of adding windows to this thing, and added the concrete parts of the building. With any luck this will be done within a couple of weeks.

Dumbbell Building Windows (Connor Hall)

Finally starting on the windows. You can't see it very well, but some are there. Looks good so far.