Thursday, May 21, 2015

Michael L final post

So, this is what it all comes to. Finally wrapped the thing and it looks pretty bad in my opinion. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Camber building

The buildings shape is finally coming together after hours of sitting in a room on my own. Don't mind the gap in the center of the cuts that will be fixed 

Michael L foam board update

So I couldn't really do much. Gonna clad this thing in construction paper and eventually wire to mimic windows

Dumbbell Building

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


I just finished cutting my first whole for my building, excited to see how this turns out

Sunday, May 3, 2015

dempsey building

Almost done with creating this building just have to add roofs and cover it in some sort of clad.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Michael L form board building

So the last damn post didn't go through since the wifi probably failed again so here's the mostly completed building... Finally put the roof on but not much else can be said

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Camber building

I have just a few more cuts and will be at my half way point of my towers. A few hundred floors can't come soon enough.


My IHOP building is coming along nicely. I have cuz about 3 inches (about 16 prices) of my circles, Betty mundane 

Dumbbell Building (Connor Hall)

Cylindrical Skyscraper

The first teir of my cylindrical skyscraper is complete. Mr. Ford and I worked on the scale of my building the last class, that way each teir is done quickly. After all 5 teirs are complete, my model will be over 4 feet tall!

Monday, April 20, 2015

International house of pancakes

My building is coming along nicely. I'm excited to see the finishing project

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Camber building progress

I have been cutting the floors out of foamboard for my building. I still have several more to go but it is coming along class by class.



My international house of pancakes is coming along nicely. Im thinking if having it as the headquarters for what might be one of the greatest chains of food in America. 

Connor Hall (Dumbbell Building)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Foam board model

I have finally made a little impact on the hight of my foam board building. It's going to be about 30". It's mundane but I'm hoping it will look good at the end of all of this

Friday, February 27, 2015

Cylindrical Skyscraper

This is the begining of the first teir of my cylindrical skyscraper. The arch is what the angled teirs look like when unrolled as you can see in the picture. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Dumbbell Building Connor Hall Cross Section

That is the finished Cross Section. I am about to get started on making my Foam Board model, but bam! their it is.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Nouf's Building

Located in Jeddah, SA

Camber Building

Here is a image of the bathrooms and meeting room of my fianl cross-sesction.

Presenting today

We are presenting our buildings and cross sections today. This should be fun. Im scared but think itll be good

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Room update (Michael L)

So most of the rooms are done. Still need to go over them and edit whatever needs more adjustments.

Connor Hall Dumbbell Building

Just trying to finish up all of the stores in the Dumbbell Building Cross Section. Looks good so far.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Weir cross section

Ive started adding furniture and office equipment in my cross section. Turns out I'm using 3d warehouse a lot more than i anticipated

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Camber Building

I have added raods, park and cars to the outside of my building. I will be adding a few more items to spice it up.

Dumbbell Building Bathrooms (Connor Hall)

The Bathrooms are not going to well so some changes need to be made.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Beginning of my cross section. The base of my building is around 669' so there is going to be a lot added to this layout. 

cross section justin

Here I have the office cubicles started.  They take a very long time to render so it's been a long process.  I am beginning to work on the large meeting room, the kitchen and bathroom, and the elevators.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Cylindrical Skyscrapers

This is the start of the cross section for my cylindrical skyscraper. Although this is the top and smallest teir of my building, it is still quite large and has approximately 60 prison cells on each floor. 

Bathrooms in the Dumbbell Building (Connor Hall)

The bathrooms are going in. 4 Toilets and 2 Sinks for this bathroom. Almost done, looking good.
Finally started my cross section with the elevator shaft in the middle of the circle. Still need to improve the aesthetic of the cross section.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Camber Building Cross Section

I have started to working on the cross-section to the camber building. All the wall have the appropriate width and hieght. The next step is to insert doors, elivators, ect.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

First draft (Room setup) Michael Leong

Didn't have much to do and since i didn't want to work on other walls in the building i started working on what one of the rooms would look like. It isn't done sine i need to figure out how to put the doors in but here it is.

Friday, January 16, 2015

cross section

Here is the beginning of my cross section.  I am making progress.

Camber Building Facade

Here is the final facade of my building. Now I will start to recreate my cross section on sketch up.